With a cardio workout, you burn calories during exercise and to some extent after you finish.

However, with resistance training, you burn calories during your workout, and you also burn a lot of calories after your workout. This is called double burning. How it works is that with resistance training, it actually causes small muscle tears due to endurance effort. So, once your training is over, your body is trying to repair this damage. This is the process that results in an increase in muscle size and strength. Don’t worry, endurance training doesn’t mean you look like Mr. Universe. You can, if you want, but the training needed to build a lot of muscle volume is a full-time job. You need to be very focused and spend many hours a day at the gym to gain bulky muscles. There is also a third benefit to building or Prima toning muscles. This process also increases metabolism. In simple terms, this means that your body now needs more energy just to exist. You see, even while you sleep, your body is busy feeding all parts of your body and making repairs along the way...